A2 French Crossword


1. Something you listen to for fun.
2. Something you use when it rains to stay dry.
3. A hot star that gives us light and warmth.
4. Something you feel on your skin when it's breezy.


5. Something adults do to earn money.
6. A place where you go when you are sick.
7. The coldest season of the year.
8. A place where animals and crops are kept.

How to Play:

  1. Click on any cell and type a letter to begin.
  2. Type multiple letters at once to fill in a word automatically.
  3. Use arrow keys to navigate between cells.
  4. Correct words will be highlighted in green and locked.
  5. Click "Check All" to verify your answers.
  6. Use "Show Solution" if you need help.
  7. Click "Retry" to start over.