B2 German Crossword


1. Trust or confidence in someone or something.
2. A legal professional who represents clients in court.
3. The freedom to express your personal views or opinions.
4. A moment of deep realization or understanding.


5. The act of supporting or promoting something, often financially.
6. A group of people living and working together in a community.
7. A system where citizens choose their leaders through voting.
8. Resources or money used for investment or business.

How to Play:

  1. Click on any cell and type a letter to begin.
  2. Type multiple letters at once to fill in a word automatically.
  3. Use arrow keys to navigate between cells.
  4. Correct words will be highlighted in green and locked.
  5. Click "Check All" to verify your answers.
  6. Use "Show Solution" if you need help.
  7. Click "Retry" to start over.